Senin, 19 September 2016



Acvities Satra and arts festival presented by SMAN 3 Bandung. this show megantara present students
3 Bandung, Cangcuters, and RAN.Megantara event starts from morning till night, starting from the morning of the students who are not committee running - from the field bali road to Balai Kota and back again to the field Bali, in a day show Megantara open tiket eksternal and comer start to show Megantara out let time to pm 3:30 and start show students fashion show after that, come Ridwan Kamil to open show Megantara, time to pm 06:00
break because frayer after that, show Megantara start by Cangcuter until time pm 08:00. RAN perfome till the end.

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